
Alliance for Balance

ALLIANCE for BALANCE serves as an umbrella organization to initiate EarthCare Global TV

ALLIANCE for BALANCE calls in ones who have already seen or are inspired by this collective vision of wholeness and balance…

The role of ALLIANCE for BALANCE is to anchor in the vision of EarthCare Global TV and to weave the tapestry of this vision by linking the appropriate resource people. The role of ALLIANCE for BALANCE is also to assist in making the connections that gather in the revenue, support, grants, resources and people that will allow the full creation and operation of EarthCare Global TV.

EarthCare Global TV will share the awareness of the Law of Balance from earth care organizations, that earth and all living things may be cherished and honored and respected as sacred and that all may have an equal voice.

The vision includes a movie that reveals the purpose of EarthCare Global TV and the beauty of the earth. The movie will nourish seeds of knowing of our oneness and of our ‘keeper of the kingdoms’ role and it allows the people of the world to fund the EarthCare Global TV via movie revenue. The movie will reveal sacred vision as one of the first steps of creation, as ‘people with Vision will not perish.’

This may sound like a momentous project. It is. And it is time. We, as keepers of the kingdoms and of the elements, may regive this gift of Balance back to the earth.

Let us begin this day…


The FOUNDER/VISIONARY of EarthCare Global TV and ALLIANCE for BALANCE is Mary Saint-Marie/Sheoekah:

Mary Saint-Marie is an educator, artist and author.

Childhood teacher was Nature

High school teacher of English, Mythology and Communication

High school and college level writer of curriculum

Coordinator/liaison and host at university public educational TV

College instructor of English and Communication

Master tutor of English at community college

Travel across many countries, with a kelty pack and art supplies, feeling the heart and the soul of those in other countries (Africa, Italy, Spain, Greece, Crete, Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, India and Kashmir)

Traveler across America for two years visiting organic and sustainable communities

Mother of two beautiful daughters

Visionary/mystic artist, sculptress and poet

Student of Lao and Walter Russell at University of Science and Philosophy

Pioneer of visionary art shows beginning in 1972 (over 150 exhibits world wide)

Art resume available, listing TV interviews, books, magazines, cards, calendars, exhibits

Multi-media presenter and dancer of sacred enactment

Children of the Sun newsletter and workshops for parents and teachers

Soul Mission Remembering sessions and retreats since 1988 (with people worldwide)

The Holy Sight workshops

Mystic author of five books

Art website at:

Become the very stars and the very earth…
Become the rarest flower on the mountain’s edge…
Be the light in the distant sky…

Mary Saint-Marie